Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Firefox Addons

Continuing the theme of configuring my new Ubuntu/Linux environment I find myself missing those Firefox addons that make life easier. A quick wander across to the official addon page yields
  • British dictionary (my spelling is actually pretty good, even if I do say so myself, but my typing is appalling)
  • GreaseMonkey - for all those handy flickr hacks
  • Del.icio.us - as I am hoping to have my bookmarks/favourites accessible anywhere
Next up is the Flickr Greasemonkey Hacks. This is a real pain, as whenever I setup a new PC, I have to go and grub around for the ones I use, even thought there isnt that many, at least if I list them here, I have something to refer to in the future....
If you have come across any other really useful stuff like this, let me know.

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