Wednesday 18 July 2007

USB 2 bug?

Damn and blast, just when I thought it was safe....copying bulk amounts of data to my external USB2 disk seems to be problematic. It seems that copying large files (meaning in the 5-100MB range) works ok but copying alot of smaller files causes some kind of buffer overrun and the drive disconnects. It looks like some kind of caching problem, not all drives or USB controllers are affected, obviously mine is.

Reports and dissection can be found here and a more recent bug report here

Useful commands:
  • dmesg | tail -20

  • lsusb

One workaround is to run the command "sudo modprobe -r ehci_hcd" to drop down to USB1.1 - so I will give that a try. There are a couple of other suggestions, such as hacking max_sectors or altering kernel details and recompiling, but if the modprobe works I will add it to my login script until an official fix becomes available.

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